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Side With the Ukiyo or the Sepikou, or live out your life on the road

2 posters



    Posts : 4
    Points : 5645
    Join date : 2009-07-03

    Unfinished Empty Unfinished

    Post by zaquri Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:50 pm

    Name: Zaquri
    Age: 17
    Gender: Teenage Boy
    Apperence: Unfinished NabariNoOu
    Alignment: Please post link to explanation or explain
    Firefly Placement:Same as Alignment
    History: First tell me how you obtain a firefly or post a link to the rules of this stuff.
    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
    Blood Manipulator/Teh Rapist

    Posts : 123
    Points : 5904
    Join date : 2009-05-24
    Age : 31

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Rebecca Seitz
    Hotaru Ally: Kirala
    Alliance: Roamer

    Unfinished Empty Re: Unfinished

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Sun Jul 05, 2009 3:17 pm

    well im planning on you being my servant, check the RP plot for things you dont understand about firefly, however!!

    you can say you havent had a 'alteration' yet so you can skip things for now, but later your gona have to fill this out....warning you, im a meany >3

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 7:24 am