Hosts can have 1 weapon, humans can register up to 3 weapons, and every 200 points they are allowed to register a new Weapon
Fighting style
Name: [what do you call your fighting style?]
Discription: [tell us how you use your fighting style?]
Ability: [Are there any special characteristics that come with this style?]
Name: [what do you call your weapon?]
Type: [what kind of weopan is it?]
Appearence: [text or pic will do]
Techniques: [Techs on how you fight with your weapon and fighting style] *include limits, durations and cooldowns*
1-99 points= 3 techs
100-199 points= 4 techs
200-299 points= 5 techs
and so on
Fighting style
Name: [what do you call your fighting style?]
Discription: [tell us how you use your fighting style?]
Ability: [Are there any special characteristics that come with this style?]
Name: [what do you call your weapon?]
Type: [what kind of weopan is it?]
Appearence: [text or pic will do]
Techniques: [Techs on how you fight with your weapon and fighting style] *include limits, durations and cooldowns*
1-99 points= 3 techs
100-199 points= 4 techs
200-299 points= 5 techs
and so on