Alteration name:
Crimsion insanity
*my hands are stained crimson, in which i have died, to be reborn once again, and now i must withstand thy insanity*
Alteration Trigger:
She can alter her change at will but her main trigger is through emotion that floods through her such as having a heart broken.
Alteration, Blood Munipulation
Alteration Apperance:
Her hair turns red, the strands flowing with blood she has two alterations, Her original once and the other one gained from the firefly fragment that was originaly Kirala's but a third one is gained when using her Second Tech
She grows long hair, with demon horns that curv on her head. The hair being longer then her whole length. Her whites of her eyes turn black the iris on her left eye is red and the iris on her right eye is blue [im still looking for a pic to fit this description]
Alteration Power:
she can make her nails into talons lines with a tranquilizing like substance that will make her target sleepy or pass out for a short time
Her firefly alows her to alter her body and produce massive ammounts of blood, through wounds she may bleed alot but it wont effect her as she can produce more then she looses. Her left eye becomes blue, viens popping out from around the firefly's fragment. The eye hold a special heat/night vision in it, this is why its colored differently then the regular eyes host get through the change.Her ability in her eye makes it hard for a target to hide from her. Her sight, which had been always blurred slightly, becomes super sharp. Blood makes up her now long red hair.
In her second form she gains long claws. If her talons stab into a Target she injects some of her blood into her target, which will burn them on the insides slowly. The burning depends on how much blood she injects.
Her second Alteration form resembles her hotaru pet, Kirala, in which this power was attained from the fragment that as chipped from Kirala and embedded into Rebecca.
Tech 1
Wires of Blood
As Rebecca's hair is now long, even though its created by blood, she controls the movement of it. thus she goes and wraps her hair around her target, on any part of their body she can get. Then altering the blood so it becomes hard like metal. she then tightens the wires of blood and they cut through the skin, causing the opponant to bleed. These wires can also break off of Rebecca's hair, as she can just form new strands of hair
*can be used 4 times in battle,* *wires break after 2 posts* *3 post cooldown*
Tech 2
Kira's Wrath
This is a tech derived from the fragment that use to belong to Kirala. Rebecca's cell gather up in her hand area's, her talons growing longer. Area's besides her hands become transparent but the skin seems darker. and the firefly seemes to move its postition to the middle of her head and turns purple, and is difficult to harm her in some area's where the cells have broken up. rebecca then takes the opportunity to attack her target with her claws. Her hair and both eyes become purple and pupiless, and the whites of the eyes turn white again. If the claws wound her target the area that is wounded becomes stiff and numb.
*can be used 3 times in battle* *claws and transparency last 4 posts* *numbing effects last 2 posts* *4 post cooldown*
Tech 3
Burning Alure
This technique allows her to bend blood to her will. if she had injected her own blood into her target she can stiffen the muscles of her targets. Rebecca can harden her blood to form spikes, claws wings ect. anything she wants. These bits of hardened blood break off in time, the more blood she has then the more bending she can do.
*can be used 5 times in battle* *bending lasts for 5 posts* *4 post cool down*
Crimsion insanity
*my hands are stained crimson, in which i have died, to be reborn once again, and now i must withstand thy insanity*
Alteration Trigger:
She can alter her change at will but her main trigger is through emotion that floods through her such as having a heart broken.
Alteration, Blood Munipulation
Alteration Apperance:
Her hair turns red, the strands flowing with blood she has two alterations, Her original once and the other one gained from the firefly fragment that was originaly Kirala's but a third one is gained when using her Second Tech
She grows long hair, with demon horns that curv on her head. The hair being longer then her whole length. Her whites of her eyes turn black the iris on her left eye is red and the iris on her right eye is blue [im still looking for a pic to fit this description]
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Alteration Power:
she can make her nails into talons lines with a tranquilizing like substance that will make her target sleepy or pass out for a short time
Her firefly alows her to alter her body and produce massive ammounts of blood, through wounds she may bleed alot but it wont effect her as she can produce more then she looses. Her left eye becomes blue, viens popping out from around the firefly's fragment. The eye hold a special heat/night vision in it, this is why its colored differently then the regular eyes host get through the change.Her ability in her eye makes it hard for a target to hide from her. Her sight, which had been always blurred slightly, becomes super sharp. Blood makes up her now long red hair.
In her second form she gains long claws. If her talons stab into a Target she injects some of her blood into her target, which will burn them on the insides slowly. The burning depends on how much blood she injects.
Her second Alteration form resembles her hotaru pet, Kirala, in which this power was attained from the fragment that as chipped from Kirala and embedded into Rebecca.
Tech 1
Wires of Blood
As Rebecca's hair is now long, even though its created by blood, she controls the movement of it. thus she goes and wraps her hair around her target, on any part of their body she can get. Then altering the blood so it becomes hard like metal. she then tightens the wires of blood and they cut through the skin, causing the opponant to bleed. These wires can also break off of Rebecca's hair, as she can just form new strands of hair
*can be used 4 times in battle,* *wires break after 2 posts* *3 post cooldown*
Tech 2
Kira's Wrath
This is a tech derived from the fragment that use to belong to Kirala. Rebecca's cell gather up in her hand area's, her talons growing longer. Area's besides her hands become transparent but the skin seems darker. and the firefly seemes to move its postition to the middle of her head and turns purple, and is difficult to harm her in some area's where the cells have broken up. rebecca then takes the opportunity to attack her target with her claws. Her hair and both eyes become purple and pupiless, and the whites of the eyes turn white again. If the claws wound her target the area that is wounded becomes stiff and numb.
*can be used 3 times in battle* *claws and transparency last 4 posts* *numbing effects last 2 posts* *4 post cooldown*
Tech 3
Burning Alure
This technique allows her to bend blood to her will. if she had injected her own blood into her target she can stiffen the muscles of her targets. Rebecca can harden her blood to form spikes, claws wings ect. anything she wants. These bits of hardened blood break off in time, the more blood she has then the more bending she can do.
*can be used 5 times in battle* *bending lasts for 5 posts* *4 post cool down*
Last edited by Rebecca Seitz on Sun May 31, 2009 5:21 pm; edited 2 times in total