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    Yuki's Ability


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    Yuki's Ability Empty Yuki's Ability

    Post by Yuki Fri May 29, 2009 5:29 pm

    Alteration name: -No Name-
    Alteration Trigger: Only happens when she feels threatened
    Type: Telekinesis
    Alteration Apperance: Nothing Changes in her physical appearance except she begins to levitate a foot off the ground.
    Alteration Power:Move objects through force of will, read minds, etc.

    Teleportation-Gives her the ability to transfer her physical self to anywhere within 5 miles. She can only "jump" 4 times before she must rest.(6 posts)

    Psychic Blast-Allows her to use raw energy in the form of a large uncontrolled blast. These blasts carry large amounts of concussive force enough to pulverise a human body(by pulverise I mean shattered bones, smashed to a pulp), however the huge strain means that Yuki can only fire off 3 of these blasts before collapsing from exhaustion.

    Lift-Allows Yuki to lift objects with her mind alone. There's not much she can't lift with her mind, but the heavier the object the greater strain on Yuki so she is prone to nosebleeds.

    Posts : 3
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    Yuki's Ability Empty Re: Yuki's Ability

    Post by Yuki Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:20 am

    should be done^^
    Xanos Talon
    Xanos Talon

    Posts : 24
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    Age : 33

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    Alliance: Ukiyo

    Yuki's Ability Empty Re: Yuki's Ability

    Post by Xanos Talon Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:12 am

    Kay, i'll approve that Surprised

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