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    Methias' abilities


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    Methias' abilities Empty Methias' abilities

    Post by Methias Thu May 28, 2009 9:10 pm

    Alteration name: The Right Arm of God.

    Alteration Trigger: None - The Right Arm of God is permanent.

    Type: Superhuman Characteristics / Body Alteration

    Alteration Apperance: *See Avatar*

    Alteration Power: The Right Arm of God has two powers, the first giving Methias the ability to Extract Hosts Firefly, the second, being able to turn the arm into a strange, cannon like weapon, which fires huge beams, much like the ones that destroyed his original arm all those years ago.


    Extraction: Methias places a finger at where the Firefly is on an injured Host. Upon doing so, he is able to extract it with minimal effort. This will inevitably kill the Host. (Once per battle, only if the opponent gives consent. This skill is solely for Roleplay purposes).

    Devastation: The Arm of God turns into a weapon (See Below). During this state, it is able to fire beams of no element at his opponent. Depending on the strength of the shot, the cooldown may be longer or nonexistent. The stronger the beam fired, the bigger the Arm becomes.
    - Full power.
    (Full power: Able to destroy a major city - 30 post cooldown. 5 post charge - After using it at this power, he must rest for 7 IRL days.)
    (50% power: Able to Destroy a building - 20 post cooldown. 3 posts charge)
    (25% power: Able to break through most armored vechiles - 5 post cooldown. 1 post charge)
    (10% power: Able to injure Hosts - 0 post cooldown. 0 charge)

    Physical Strength Plus: This ability is passive. Due to the nature of the Arm, his whole body is considerably stronger than most beings, able to withstand gunshots with minor injuries. His arm is capable of punching through walls.


    Evolved Ability Name
    : The Left Eye of the Devil
    Evolved Ability Apperence: There is no visible change in Methias' appearance.
    Evolved Ability Power: Upon running his right hand across his left eye, it begins to bleed. As it touches the floor, the ground begins to decay rapidly, until the battleground is turned into a decayed ruin of what it once was. While this does nothing to either Methias or his opponent, Methias himself has become use to fighting in such a terrain, giving him the advantage.

    Decay: Upon the blood touching the ground, Methias is able to turn it into a decaying ruin. (Time til blood touches the floor: 2 posts, time til decay is fully complete: 5 posts. Lasts: 5 posts)

    Last edited by Methias on Fri May 29, 2009 8:15 am; edited 1 time in total
    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
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    Methias' abilities Empty Re: Methias' abilities

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Thu May 28, 2009 9:22 pm

    approved ^^ thats awsome O_O
    Horusho Zera

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    Methias' abilities Empty Re: Methias' abilities

    Post by Horusho Zera Fri May 29, 2009 6:13 am

    I agree with Becca but it can be a bit godmoding don't you think?
    Xanos Talon
    Xanos Talon

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    Methias' abilities Empty Re: Methias' abilities

    Post by Xanos Talon Fri May 29, 2009 6:36 am

    I agree with both Becca being awesome, and agree with Horusho being a bit GM.

    What exactly would you do with the extracted Firefly? Use it for yourself? Or does it vanish after you have extracted it from another body.

    Also, with the healing process, does the bit still have the flesh and stuff visble? Or is it closed like a legless or armless etc person? Elaborate more on your techniques, i'm sorry Becca, but Horusho thinks it is abit GM and so do I. I say work on it abit more.

    With the copying ability, ability you have, i say that is GM. The ability is unique to the person, think of the Sharingan. The Sharingan cannot copy one's bloodline, am i correct? So, this is someones bloodline in terms of the Sharingan example. So, i say that needs working on as well.

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    Methias' abilities Empty Re: Methias' abilities

    Post by Methias Fri May 29, 2009 8:18 am

    Right, for your first question, the extracted Firefly would lye dormant in the Arm until Methias found another, stronger Host for it (Such as the storyline of Tenma and Sepikou).

    And i've removed the healing technique. I'll be honest and say by then I was so tired by then I couldn't think of anything for the forth, thus, I'll add one later.

    And I've changed that ability, so feel free to recheck.
    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
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    Methias' abilities Empty Re: Methias' abilities

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Fri May 29, 2009 4:16 pm

    Aprroved methias
    just to let you all know

    the rule of killing a host...
    im going to post this iin rules after i post this.

    to be honest ANYONE can rip the firefly fragment form another host. the vein that connects the firefly must be severed from the cerebrum.

    however the hosts body remains in a immortal state, this being because the flesh seizes to decay. they seem to mainly be in a coma. awaiting to be attached with the firefly one again.

    this is why the hosts body MUST be disposed of by burning for example.

    but during a fight if the body has teken to much damage. becoming soo weak they cannot continue..mianly being close to death, the firefly will detach itsself from that host to go and find a new, stronger host.

    so the ability to remove other peoples firefly seems useless, however that insently dieing process could work.
    what i am thinking is that when you extract the firefly your arm will allow the host's body to decay again. Killing them

    and ill aprove that ability because you kill your target only if the opponent gives consent.

    and Xanos to answer your question...
    since methias is Sepikou commander, the firefly fragments are kept for himself and the Sepikou,.
    This being because the Sepikou kills off weaker hosts or firefly infected animals so they may infect more people, and create more hosts to join them,

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