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Side With the Ukiyo or the Sepikou, or live out your life on the road

    !!!THE BEGINING!!!

    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
    Blood Manipulator/Teh Rapist

    Posts : 123
    Points : 5904
    Join date : 2009-05-24
    Age : 31

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Rebecca Seitz
    Hotaru Ally: Kirala
    Alliance: Roamer

    !!!THE BEGINING!!! Empty !!!THE BEGINING!!!

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Tue May 26, 2009 9:06 pm

    We should be starting up soon, rules and that shall be posted first and characteres shall be made

    grab your postion quickely before its gone!!!!!

    have fun roleplaying to my manga idea ^_^

    i means a lot to me that you all want to roleplay to this story, due to the fact that most people dont even read my story, let alone listen long enough for me to explain it.


    luffles chu all!!!!


      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:21 am