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Side With the Ukiyo or the Sepikou, or live out your life on the road

    Affiliate Rules

    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
    Blood Manipulator/Teh Rapist

    Posts : 123
    Points : 5904
    Join date : 2009-05-24
    Age : 31

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Rebecca Seitz
    Hotaru Ally: Kirala
    Alliance: Roamer

    Affiliate Rules Empty Affiliate Rules

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Mon May 25, 2009 4:43 pm

    So I have decided to ban free advertising. That means you will get a warning or else - be banned if you advertise on forum or chat. However there is a way to be listed as our's site affiliate. Here are a few simple rules

    1) Your site must not contain any illegal stuff

    2) Your site should be RP related somehow - if not please specify why you want to affiliate.

    3) You have to have picture to represent your site, then you have to pm it to me

    4) When we advertise your site on ours, you've got to advertise our site on yours aka reciprocal linking

    After all the steps are done,the admin is going to verify your site and if everything is correct, you'll be added as an affiliate

      Current date/time is Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:17 am