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Side With the Ukiyo or the Sepikou, or live out your life on the road

    Posting In Multiple Topics

    Rebecca Seitz
    Rebecca Seitz
    Blood Manipulator/Teh Rapist

    Posts : 123
    Points : 5950
    Join date : 2009-05-24
    Age : 31

    Character sheet
    Character Name: Rebecca Seitz
    Hotaru Ally: Kirala
    Alliance: Roamer

    Posting In Multiple Topics Empty Posting In Multiple Topics

    Post by Rebecca Seitz Mon May 25, 2009 4:29 pm

    Its simple logic, no one can be in more then one place then a time unless your Character has a something like the ability to clone themselves, Or has a Hotaru Pet that has strayed away from your Character. Those are the ONLY exceptions

    Any person caught posting in more then one RP topic shall recieve a warning, and will have their post deleted. If multiple topic posting continues it will lead to a day ban and if it still continues it could lead to a forum ban


      Current date/time is Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:37 am